Step 8: Magazine Archive Begone!

My magazine subscriptions have always been a symbol of profoundly delusional optimism. After my daughter was born I retained my subscriptions to The Walrus, New Internationalist, Canadian Art and one or two others, in the misguided conviction that my brain still worked and I’d get around to reading them some day.

Months passed. They piled up.

Years passed.

I finally cancelled the subscriptions, but the stacks of unread magazines were a constant source of rebuke. I half-read them, left them in places where I thought I’d pick them up again. I even attacked piles of them, skimming through for articles I might find time for and bookmarking them with post-its.

Time to rid myself of the millstone of guilt. Risking the loss of a fantastic, life-changing article or two seems worth it.

And I just thought of a way to ease the pain: I may not have read them, but for years I helped keep them in business, thus doing my part for the world of Canadian publishing! Hurrah for me!

So I offered them all up on freecycle, not sure that anyone would want them, but, lo and behold, within a few hours I found eager homes for the lot! An art club is keen on my Canadian Art mags, a young journalist new to Canada took all my CCPA Monitors, and the New Internationalists and Z Magazines are slated for pickup in the next week or so.

Go forth and inform, my poor, neglected magazines!

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